Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I think striving for normalcy is my main goal as a gluten-free person. Before being diagnosed with Celiac, I was an experimental eater who enjoyed trying new foods and ate out pretty often.  Now I would call myself an adventurous cook who eats out occasionally.  I still eat everything I used to eat, but now I make it myself.

I am hoping to inspire people, whether they have Celiac Disease or not, to cook at home more.  Fewer processed foods and more healthy, natural foods.  Cooking your own meals is not difficult and I promise, the food will taste better. You will have a sense of accomplishment and the thank yous that your family will say to you are far more satisfying than hearing your microwave beep when it is done zapping your frozen meal.  Eating gluten-free is easy, as long as you keep it simple and are willing to make a few substitutions here and there.  So whip out your cutting board and let's get started!

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