Monday, March 14, 2011

Product Review: Against the Grain Pizza Shell

The perfect gluten-free pizza is like the holy grail: everyone is searching for it!  I have certainly had my fair share of dough mixes, frozen pizzas, and a few from restaurants.  My search would not be so difficult and at times, a huge let down, if I wasn't pizza-spoiled before my Celiac diagnosis.  Our grocery store, Publix, sells pizza dough in the bakery area.  It was such a treat to make these fresh pizzas at home, my boyfriend showing off with his dough tossing, flour dusting everything in the kitchen, and trying all sorts of toppings.  Having to switch over to frozen rice crusts was a heartbreaker.  And why are they so dang expensive?

The closest product I have found to make a "normal" tasting pizza is a frozen shell from Against the Grain.  Once baked, it is flakey with a buttery taste which reminds me of that long lost real bread flavor.  I chose parmesan and mozzarella cheese, peppers, spinach, and some of the sauce I previously made and froze.

Could that crust look any better?

It was a splurge for me at nearly $9.00, but at least it wasn't a measly 6" across.  At a full 12", it was enough pizza for two meals.  The price will keep this off my frequent purchase list, but convenience and the great taste have made it a special, once-in-a-while treat.

(Where to buy: I have not seen Against the Grain products in a regular grocery store.  I picked this one up from my local health food store in Fort Myers, The Skinny Pantry, and I saw the frozen pizza with toppings included at Whole Foods in the freezer section.  Check their store locator out on the website.)

Coming soon:
Saving while shopping gluten-free
Gluten-free in Fort Myers

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