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On the left is a box of Dark Chocolate Dreams packets from Peanut Butter & Co. They are perfect for on the go snacking, or to throw in a lunch box with apple slices. My mom sent these to me in a care package and I have been taking them to work with me.
The fig cookies on the right are from Jovial, a new company that I haven't tried before. I went to a Celiac support group meeting last week at Pizza Fusion in Fort Myers, and received these cookies and some brown rice pasta samples. Well, I can assure you, if you miss Fig Newtons as much as I do, you will love these! A little more cakey than true Fig Newtons, but the taste is all there. I haven't tried the pasta yet but will report back! (Casein-free)
I've been a huge fan of ThinkThin bars since getting diagnosed with Celiac because they are so easy. I used to always carry one in my bag in case of emergencies, and now they have made it even more convenient! These are the 100 calorie bite bars. They have a few different flavors, but I have always liked the cookies and cream ones.
Isn't the Smooze package so cute? I first had a taste of these at the South Florida Gluten-Free Food Expo in West Palm Beach. They are creamy little frozen treats with tropical flavors. I picked up a box of the Coconut & Passion Fruit flavor, and they are delicious. (Dairy-free)
I was surprised how good these chips are! They are by a brand I hadn't heard of before, Flamous, and are specifically made for hummus. The scent is very roasted chickpea-y, and they have serious crunch (but not the kind that rips up the roof of your mouth...ugh, hate that!). The chips were such a good pair with my hummus today at lunch...I'm thinking about going back and buying the rest of the bags at the store! (Dairy-free)
And here's the best part...several of these products were bought at my local HomeGoods store! You can score tons of great gluten-free foods there. The ThinkThin bars, Smooze, falafel chips, and some agave syrup (not pictured) were all purchased at HomeGoods. What a deal!