Wednesday, April 27, 2011

My Gluten-free Lunch & Super Protein Snack #2

When you first start eating gluten-free, it's hard to come up with lunch ideas.  I mean, how many salads can a person eat?  It took me a while to get into the swing of things (and get used to waking up earlier to make my meals) but it's easy once you get the hang of it.

I always loved bringing leftovers, but my new job doesn't have a microwave.  I also love gigantic spinach salads with tons of toppings, like dried cranberries, blueberries, walnuts, and tomatoes, and these are so easy to make ahead of time and throw everything into one of those fancy produce ziplocks.

Right now I really like making mini-wraps using corn tortillas and different fillings.  This week I've been making avocado/chicken breast/bacon wraps and they are awesome!  I make two, since the corn tortillas are small.  You can fill them with all sorts of foods: chicken salad is yummy, I like to combine traditional chicken salad with a Waldorf salad and throw in pieces of green apple, halved grapes, and roasted pumpkin seeds.  Normal taco fillings would be tasty, but so would a slice of cheese and some mashed beans.  What about spreading some peanut butter and sliced bananas on the tortilla?  There are so many great ideas!

The secret to making corn tortillas pliable is to heat them in bit of oil before using them.  Ok, maybe this was only a secret to me, but for well over a year I thought corn tortillas were awful because they always fell apart.  I was really, really bitter on taco night.

Spread a little mashed avocado, top with Boar's Head sliced meat (or whatever you prefer.  I like BH Everroast Chicken Breast), and half a slice of bacon.  Wrap and you're good to go!  I secure mine with a toothpick before rolling them up.

Can I just pause and say how awesome Boar's Head is?  They are totally gluten-free.  This makes packing lunches so much easier.

My smoothie looked beautiful the other morning! 

Super protein snack #2, eggs!  I love hard-boiled eggs with a heavy dosing of black pepper.  It's the perfect snack: you can boil a few on Sunday and eat them all week.  They are packed with goodies like protein, choline, and vitamins.  They are less than 100 calories each and are naturally gluten-free!

Here are my first two meals of the day!  I drink a giant smoothie in the morning and eat the egg a bit later.  I prefer my wraps cold, so I wrap them in foil and put them right on top of the ice pack in my lunch box.  I also carry a string cheese stick, which is also a great source of protein, and a Fruity Pebble Treat (don't judge me!).  Fruity Pebbles cereal is gluten-free now, and so are the rice treats!  Of course they are still full of sugar, but that's why I like them.  I end up eating these around 3pm when I need a sugar high to help me kick into gear the last few hours of work.

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